Biocidin Chronic Candida Program (Effective For Auto-Brewery Syndrome)

Biocidin Botanicals

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select: Biocidin Chronic Candida Program Month 1

Chronic Candida Program

8 Week Protocol - You Will Need 2 Kits Alternating Biocidin Drops and Liposomal. 

Instructions Will Be Sent With Kit

Effective Treatment For Auto-Brewery Syndrome As Well

Candida is a ubiquitous yeast in the human microbiome. It is well known for causing oral, dermatological, and vaginal infections. Additionally, thousands of bacterial taxa reside with this fungus in the intestine and participate in inter-kingdom interactions. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, there are significant interdependencies between fungi and bacteria. “Gut bacteria closely associate with C. albicans cells in the colon, break down and feed on complex sugars decorating the fungal cell wall, and shape the intestinal microhabitats occupied by the fungus.”

Candida can become an opportunistic pathogen, proliferating as yeast, which they use to invade the gut’s mucosal lining. Gl candidiasis can also result in fungal overgrowth in the small intestine, resulting in SIFO.

The symptoms often associated with it include gas, bloating, and irritable bowel-like illness. In addition to GI symptoms, the pathophysiology of Candida infection can result in systemic effects through two pathways – invasion of any epithelial or mucosal surface (e.g., GI, skin, urogenital, oral) and production of damaging metabolites and pro-inflammatory mediators.

Comprehensive support for Candida overgrowth requires a combination of diet changes, antifungal (herbal or pharmaceutical) therapeutics, and restoration of a healthy microbiome.

Common Clinical Presentation of Candida overgrowth • Blood sugar dysregulation – NAFLD – Sugar Cravings • Neurological/cognitive – Anxiety – Depression – Insomnia – Irritability – Sensory hypersensitivity – Brain fog – Short-term memory impairment • Skin – Rashes – Pruritus • Gastrointestinal – Intestinal permeability – IBS – Gas/Bloating • Immune – Upregulation/inflammation – pain in joints and connective tissue – Suppression – histamine - fungal overgrowth (intertriginous, nails, scalp), frequent infectious illness (these patients may be “sick all of the time”). 

***ABS (Auto Brewery Syndrome), also called Gut Fermentation Syndrome, is an under diagnosed medical condition that can happen as a result of exposure to mold or mold illness. In this condition, carbohydrates that are ingested result in the endogenous production of ethanol and when the gut microbiome becomes compromised it allows fungal elements to proliferate. Initially, only fungi were implicated in the conversion of carbohydrates to alcohol, but in a recent study also identified was certain species of high alcohol producing bacteria (Klebsiella species).

When the gut is sick, imbalanced or disrupted as is the case with leaky gut and other gut disorders, it results in an overgrowth of fungi and high alcohol producing bacteria.

Antibiotic therapy can upset the balance of the gut microbiome and also cause a yeast overgrowth. People with diabetes, short bowel syndrome, SIBO, IBS and Chrone's disease are also at risk of developing ABS. There could also be a genetic component. People with ABS present with signs or symptoms of inebriation. Some have psychiatric symptoms, altered mood, anxiety, dysphoria, changes in affect and depression, or neurological symptoms, changes in mental status, drowsiness, brain fog, seizures and ataxia. They often have a smell of alcohol on their breath or a body odor that smells like they just drank alcohol or beer...a fermented or beer smell. ABS increases the risk of fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, and acute or chronic pancreatitis.

While the legal limit for DWI in some states is 0.08%, people with ABS can have a level that is 3-4 times this.

People who have used antibiotics often and who have been exposed to mold are at high risk for developing ABS.

Testing can include an upper and lower endoscopy, as well as a carbohydrate challenge test. Natural Anti-fungal therapy, as well as probiotic specific bacteria and a carb free diet for a while, is an effective way to address ABS, along with Biocidin.

Auto-Brewery Syndrome turns foods and other things into gasses and toxic compounds. Candida can do this and Mycotoxins can also do this.  

8 Week Protocol - You Will Need 2 Kits Alternating Biocidin Drops and Liposomal. 

Instructions Will Be Sent With Kit Purchased From This Website.