The Digestive Reset Program Is Designed To:
- REMOVE anything that impedes the gut from functioning optimally.
- REPLACE valuable nutrients your digestive system and body needs to heal and be healthy.
- REINOCULATE the gut with good bacteria.
REPAIR the intestinal wall from hyper-permeability.
You will receive 7-Supplements [9 bottles], Plus A Step by Step Program Guide to follow for 27-30 days. During the Digestive Reset Program, you will follow guidelines for each meal using any combination of foods from the approved foods list with the recommended selection of supplements required for the program. These include an antimicrobial, broad spectrum probiotic, yeast fighting bacteria, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
During the Digestive Reset Program you will experience four stages of gut repair, Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair.
Conditions That May Be Improved or Resolved Using The Digestive Reset Program
Weight Loss, Better Brain Function, Brain Fog Improves, Autoimmune Disease, Anxiety, Energy, Immune System, Digestion and Elimination, Skin, Thyroid Function, Healthier Gut Flora, Eradicate Intestinal Pathogens, Insulin Resistance, Depression, Reduce Inflammation, Regulate Blood Sugar, Increase Nutrient Absorption, Yeast Overgrowth, Metabolism, Mental Focus and Memory, PMS and Menopause Symptoms, Allergies, Hormone Balance.
Supplements Required To Complete The Digestive Reset Program Are Clean, Pharmaceutical Grade:
- Berberine
- Saccharomyces Boulardii
- Multi Strain Probiotic 50 Billion CFU
- Magnesium Citrate
- Digestive Enzymes
- Monolaurin
- B-Complex
Supplements For This Program Are In Specific Doses and Strengths According To The Digestive Reset Program Protocol.
"I finished the Digestive Reset Program last month and have to say I am so glad I did it! It was tough for the first few days, but I quickly started feeling so good that it motivated me to keep going. Almost immediately I felt a difference in my digestion and just overall well-being. And I ended up losing 11 pounds, with no additional effort other than simply eating off the ‘allowed food list’. I had done a similar program several years ago and it was a very painful few weeks because it was so restrictive. This program was very flexible, almost ensuring the likelihood of success. Karen was such a huge help throughout the process and answered so many (countless!) questions for me. I am very grateful I found this site and for the first time in several years feel like I have some hope for recovery from hypothyroidism." Lori W.
"I had bloating every time I ate. Karen suggested it was probably due to a yeast overgrowth triggered by food sensitivities. I started the Healing Solutions Digestive Reset Program and not only did I loose 8 pounds, my bloating is gone and I am eating healthier and feeling great!" Pamela B.
"I was always so tired, especially after eating starches. I have had IBS for years and never made the the connection that it was food related until I talked with Karen who pointed that out. She recommended the Healing Solutions Digestive Reset Program and in the first week I began to feel better. My energy started to return, the IBS began to clear and I feel healthier overall." Stephen K.
"I am hypothyroid and have had the worst time trying to loose weight.Karen talked to me about diet and pointed out that there are certain foods that must be eliminated because they disrupt thyroid function and others that just have to be prepared differently. She put me on the Healing Solutions Digestive Reset Program and I lost 10 pounds so far! I feel better, my skin is clearer, I have more energy and I can't wait to have my next thyroid lab work done to see the difference in my thyroid function." Jay G
DISCLAIMER: The Digestive Reset Program addresses mild to moderate dysbiosis and hyper-permeability. It is NOT for individuals with severe gut dysfunction challenges. There are certain organisms like severe yeast overgrowth, viruses, parasites, types of bad bacteria like E.coli, salmonella or C.difficile that may be beyond this program. You might have heavy metal toxicity or an autoimmune inflammatory condition like, Crohn’s or Colitis, which are considered to be more severe. An impacted or dilated colon, scarring, mechanical obstructions, diverticulitis with pockets of infection, all require medical attention and possibly pharmaceutical medication. If you have a severe gut issue, this program is NOT indicated for you.
***You should not participate if you are pregnant or nursing, under the age of 18, have cancer, liver disease, hepatitis, on medications for bipolar disorder, have Type 1 Diabetes, or are allergic to any ingredient in the supplements required. If you are on a prescription medication, do not stop taking it, until you have spoken to your doctor. There are certain conditions that require consistent blood levels of medications. Any change in diet can cause a change in your blood absorption and an increase or decrease of the concentration of the medicine in your blood as a result. For blood thinners, anti arrhythmia drugs, anti-epileptic drugs and chemotherapy agents, this can be life threatening. Most supplements contain minerals, which may be an issue for individuals with kidney disease, or on drugs such as antihypertensives, where elevations in minerals may be an issue.