The Iodine Protocol

 "With Iodine supplementation, hypothyroid and autoimmune thyroid symptoms improve.  Cancer therapies are more effective when iodine deficiency is rectified.  Most importantly, people feel better when the body is given the proper form and amounts of iodine."

Dr. David Brownstein, MD 

When Dr.'s Guy Abraham, MD, David Brownstein, MD and Jorge Flechas, MD conducted their iodine study, they used what is now known as the iodine protocol. It is their pioneering research and generous contributions to the field of Iodine Therapy that so many patients are now thriving.  

 The Iodine Protocol

1.  Lugol's Iodine is the ONLY form of Iodine that has been studied, and is the only form of Iodine recommended for the protocol.  Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones.  Lugol's liquid or tablets may be used.  Lugol's tablets were formulated for sensitive stomachs to avoid gastric irritation.

2. Vitamin C, preferable from a whole food source should be taken at least 3-4 hours after iodine.  Vitamin C from whole food is recommended because it is completely absorbed by the body. Vitamin C reduces oxidative stress on the thyroid and improves thyroid function. 

3. Magnesium is needed to convert T4 to T3 and improves thyroid function.

4. Selenium drives down antibodies and is needed for synthesizing thyroid hormones.

5. Enhanced Thyroid C  Flushes toxic halogens out of the organs tissues and the body.

6. ATP Energy are two B vitamins that deliver energy for those who struggle with fatigue and low energy.

*Purple Wing Iodine and the Co-Nutrients Are All The Correct Forms and Doses.

This test is the GOLD STANDARD for assessing iodine levels in the body.  It is the ONLY accurate test for evaluating iodine sufficiency.