The Iodine Protocol

Physicians Guy Abraham, MD, David Brownstein, MD, and Jorge Flechas, MD, have treated  more than 4,000 patients with iodine supplementation.  The Iodine protocol is  from their Iodine Study. We acknowledge with appreciation their pioneering research  and generous contributions to the field of Iodine Therapy.  
 "With Iodine Supplementation, hypothyroid and autoimmune thyroid symptoms improve.  Cancer therapies are more effective when iodine deficiency is rectified.  Most importantly, people feel better when the body is given the proper form and amounts of iodine."     Dr. David Brownstein, MD 

Thyroid Health

   Iodine Prime Nutrient and Co-Nutrients

 Step 1:  Prime with Selenium prior to introducing Iodine.
**Make Sure All Drainage Pathways Are Open

IODINE:  Lugol's Iodine is the ONLY form of Iodine that has been studied, therefore, it is the only form of Iodine recommended for use.  Lugol's liquid or Tablets may be used.  Lugol's Tablets were formulated for sensitive stomachs to avoid gastric irritation.
VITAMIN C:  Vitamin C, preferable from a whole food source should be taken at least 3-4 hours after iodine.  Ascorbic acid is NOT vitamin C.  Vitamin C from whole food is recommended and is 100% absorbed by the body. 

MAGNESIUM:  Magnesium For Thyroid
SELENIUM:  Selenium For Thyroid
**Selenium can accumulate in the body and become toxic. Run an RBC Selenium test prior to starting Selenium.  If your test result indicates a deficiency, start taking Selenium.  If your result is mid-range, use it sparingly and re-check every 6 months.  If your result is above the reference range, no selenium is needed, but re-test every 6 months while on iodine to stay on top of it. 
THYROID SEA SALT:  Sea Salt flushes bromide out of the organs and tissues as iodine is knocking out of the iodine receptors. It helps to move toxins out of the body. 
ATP ENERGY:  ATP Energy for individuals with fatigue.

ALL of the Iodine Protocol Nutrients In The Correct Forms of Each, Are Available At Life' 

There is also an Iodine Protocol Kit Which Can Be Purchased on This Website.  It Includes Step By Step Instructions, How To Use The Protocol And The Doses Needed For Success On The Protocol.


        *Breast Cancer and Thyroid patients find the "start low, start slow strategy" is the most effective in sensitive cases.  How low?  One drop of Lugol's diluted with 10 drops of water applied to the skin, per day or even per week to start. 



This test is the GOLD STANDARD for assessing iodine levels in the body.  It is the ONLY accurate test for evaluating iodine sufficiency.  

Symptoms of Bromide Detox

These Symptoms Improve When You Salt Load

Fatigue, Cherry Angiomas, Headache, Sluggishness / Lethargy, Rash, Tremor, Impaired Memory/Concentration, Bromoderma (acne) on face and hands, Disturbance of color perception, Impaired Memory/Concentration, Irritability, Abnormal pigmentation, Slurred Speech, Emotional Instability, Hair loss, Vision changes, Depression, Runny Nose, Reflex changes, Schizophrenic-like actions, Metallic Taste, Sensitivity to, light, Hallucinations, Diarrhea / Constipation, Eyelid twitching, Dream changes, Increased salivation, Extensor Plantar Responses, Anxiety, Kidney pain, Dry mouth, Body Odor / Sweating

Lugol's Liquid iodine is definitely the best and most effective iodine for reversing fibroids.  Dr. David Brownstein's recommendation for iodine therapy to reverse fibroids requires specific doses at certain times of the day to shrink and reverse fibroids. Instructions on dosing for both the Iodine Protocol and Fibroids are included when you purchase Iodine from Life's Healthiest.