Auria At Home Breast Cancer Screening Test

Save 20% With Code LIFEHEALTH20

The Auria Tear Breast Cancer Test is a test you take in the comfort of your own home. It analyzes protein biomarkers in a person's tears to identify potential abnormalities in breast tissue, potentially indicating an increased risk of breast cancer.

Auria At Home

The Beet Lady Beet Food Nutritional Therapy Blends

The Beet Lady

The Beet Lady

Beet Food Nutritional Therapy

The Beet Lady Organic Beet Food Nutritional Therapy Blends are a great way to increase nutrient intake, fill dietary voids and provide healing benefits. Highly bioavailable nutrients reach your bloodstream quickly and are absorbed faster than eating fruits and vegetables in whole food form. Already macerated, they are not taxing on the digestive system.

The Beet Lady knows beets naturally optimize liver health through toxin flushing, increase overall cardiovascular health, circulation and energy as well as improve digestion and elimination. Beets also regenerate the cells of the immune system, purify the blood and alkalize the entire body to fight off and protect against disease. Nothing cleans the liver and gets bile moving like beets. Beets are also a great binder of toxins that help to escort pathogens out of the body.

The Beet Lady

Rupa Health Thyroid Panel Comprehensive

Thyroid Panel Comprehensive


Rupa Health Lab Tests

No Prescription Required

Effortlessly order your lab tests for Thyroid and Hormone Health, Epigenetic Testing, Lyme Disease, Mold/MycoToxins and Gut Health.

Featured: The Thyroid Panel Comprehensive Test measures the levels of thyroid hormones and antibodies in the blood. The results provide important information about thyroid function and help diagnose and monitor conditions such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Rupa Health Lab Tests

"When you take milligram doses of Lugol's, breast cysts go away, thyroid nodules go away, ovarian cysts go away, the eyes get clearer, you get a brain boost, breast sensitivity goes away, immediate energy boost and more." Dr. Brownstein

The Iodine Protocol


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Researched and written by Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

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