Most People Are Not Aware That Our Oral Microbiome Is The Second Largest And Most Diverse Microbiome We Have After the Gut!
It Is Easy To Change And Has A Massive Impact On Your General Health.
The bacteria in your oral cavity travels throughout your body. More than 90% of diseases can be traced back to the bad bacteria in the mouth which feed on sugar and carbohydrates and as they feed on that sugar, they release acid. If that acid is left there, it causes demineralization which causes decay or cavities. So if you are not disrupting the bacteria in your mouth every day, that bacteria can stay in the mouth forever. This means brushing your teeth daily and using a good quality, clean tooth powder and mouth wash.
Natural And Organic Ingredient Blends Improve Oral Health and Promote Healing.
The Ingredients In Life's Healthiest Tooth Powders and Mouth Washes Pull Toxins From The Mouth And Contain Minerals Teeth Need For Strength And Good Oral Health. These Ingredients Clean The Teeth Well and Cut Down On Plaque While Reducing Bad Bacteria, Regrowing Good Bacteria At The Same Time. The Perfect Blend In All Of The Tooth Powders and Mouth Washes, Bind To Toxins In The Mouth And Hold Onto Them Until You Spit and Rinse Them Out.
*BAD Bacteria In The Mouth Feeds and Seeds The Gut and Microbiome.
Improving Your Overall Health Includes Your Oral Health.
Tooth Powder and Mouth Wash formulas have been carefully created to achieve the best oral health possible. Together they: bind toxins and heavy metals in your mouth and eliminate them, remineralize and nourish teeth and gums, have powerful antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, candida killing and pain reducing properties. The oral probiotic has been shown to help maintain healthy gums and teeth by populating the oral cavity to help protect the mouth against harmful bacteria that exist in dental film buildup. Peppermint adds a cool mint flavor and is a strong disinfectant which reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation to carry off toxins and is highly beneficial for mouth and gum infections. Xylitol kills mouth bacteria on contact and is a known cavity preventative.
Directions: Wet your toothbrush and dip into powder. Leaves teeth fresh and clean.
Oral MicroBiome Test Kit

Oral Microbiome Testing is a comprehensive oral microbiome test that utilizes NGS technology to identify and measure bacteria, fungi and more from a saliva sample.
Results will help you understand and improve your oral health using this at-home oral microbiome test. You will discover your mouth's unique microbes and the specific products, diet, and hygiene your mouth needs. The results will also allow you and your dental care professional to measure oral health status, identify oral conditions, and use treatment protocols to improve your oral health.
This test cannot be ordered for patients under 16 years of age.
Customer's Say This...
"I am almost out of my mouthwash so I placed an order for more toothpowder and mouthwash not 10 minutes ago. Your products are just the best!" K. Hall
"I’ve recently started to use Karen’s *CLEAN* Completely Natural Tooth Powder” and the Mineralize EXTRA...Wow!!!! 🤗 They’re both amazing! I absolutely love these powders!! My teeth feel so clean & healthy!
I can’t wait to hear what my dentist has to say at my next appointment! I have some oral issues & I have faith that these powders will be the answer to correcting them! Thank you, Karen, for your never ending hours of research, knowledge, dedication & compassion, for all of us lucky enough to have found you! We are all so blessed to know you care so deeply about our health & well being! I am a happy, healthier customer of many of your products, and plan to continue to be!! ❤️" Robin B.
"Last year after your post I started purchasing your tooth products. I had a new dentist and hygienist (holistic) and she said my teeth weren't cleaned properly and recommended cleaning 3 times per year. When I went for my checkup again after using your products she wanted to know what I was using because my gums were a healthy pink with the littlest bit of tarter." Carol R.
"In July of 2018, my son was seen by the dentist and although he has never had a cavity, he was diagnosed with gingivitis and the beginnings of periodontal disease (he is hypothyroid due to Lyme disease and Mold illness). The recommendation was deep pocket cleaning with a price quote of $1100. Instead, I bumped up his daily intake of Healing Solutions Real Vitamin C powder and started him on the Healing Solutions Tooth Powder and I-Mouthwash which he has been using twice a day. Eight months later, a follow-up appointment resulted in a diagnosis of perfect oral health. There is no longer any evidence of gingivitis or periodontal disease and still remains cavity-free. He was able to reverse these conditions. The Vitamin C powder stopped the bleeding gums too." Karen D.
"using the iodine one now and I love how well they clean my teeth. Even my dental hygienist noticed how much easier it was to clean my teeth last visit and bonus no jaw or tooth pain like prior visits." Patrice M.
"OMGosh, OMGosh, OMGosh!!!!! Ok... this is seriously some awesome news for me and my mouth health. LOL! Let me preface this by stating that the first time I had cancer, (Hodgkins lymphoma 23 years ago) they gave me some seriously strong chemo and radiation. They don't do chemo and rads that strong any more. During radiation they told me that my mouth would always be a hot mess. And sure enough... for the next 18 years, every dentist would tell me that I need to floss more (I flossed every night), that I needed to brush more (I brushed twice a day, sometimes more), that my gums were puffy, that my teeth were soft, that my gums were receding.... etc etc etc.... and the list went on. I was always so sad to go for my 6 month check ups b/c I would leave deflated.... every single time.Then 5 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer (which was caused from the radiation that I had had from the Hodgkins.) My family decided to go all natural & organic about the time I started treatment. We switched to Thieves Toothpaste/mouthwash from Young Living & my mouth health started to improve. It got healthier and my dentists got happier. The one major thing I couldn't get rid of though was my incredibly sensitive teeth. Hot foods didn't bother me, but cold foods made me cry, my teeth were so sensitive. On a whim 3-4 weeks ago I got Karen Fitzpatrick Dame's tooth powder and mouthwash. I figured that it was worth a try. OMGOSH!!!!!!! I realized today for the first time in FOREVER...... my mouth does not hurt at all. I even ate something cold today just to check.... and nope. No sensitivity at all. Zero! I also had a dentist apt today with a new dentist since we just moved across country, and she told me my mouth was perfect, there was almost no tartar for her to clean off, and that if everyone's mouths looked like mine, she'd be out of business. She told me to keep doing what I'm doing. So..... sorry this is so long, but I'm just beyond happy! My mouth feels amazing, and I love my tooth powder and mouthwash. Thank you Karen!! I'm a believer!" Deborah B.
"I just got this & like how it makes my mouth feel."
Sandra From California Writes: "I was having sensitivity to hot and cold and I knew it was from lack of minerals. The Tooth Powder has restored the minerals and I am not sensitive anymore."
Guy From New Jersey Writes: "I really like this tooth powder. It makes my mouth feel cleaner and it's great that there are no chemicals." Gloria M.
"I ordered a supplement and got a free sample of the tooth powder. When I tried it I was amazed at how much cleaner my mouth felt, compared to regular toothpaste. I ordered a full size and love it!"
Rebecca From Massachusettes Writes: "I use this tooth powder and mouthwash, I love them! My teeth feel like I just left the dentist after I brush with the powder. The mouthwash has a nice refreshing taste that leaves my mouth feeling fresh and no medicine taste. I took my mouthwash to my last dental cleaning with me to rinse after I had my teeth cleaned so I know my mouth was really clean! This is a great combination!" Jan A.
"Gum recession and tooth sensitivity have been a struggle for me for years. After using the Healing Solutions Remineralizing Mouthwash for a few weeks, I like the way it leaves my teeth, gums and overall mouth feeling after I rinse with it. My mouth feels clean and refreshed." Maureen S.
"I love this tooth powder for countless reasons and HIGHLY Recommend this brand! I work in the dental industry, know firsthand about the fluoride neurotoxicity in our environment & water ultimately affecting and poisoning our bodies. After Thyroid cancer and discovering the fluoride toxicity affecting my health, I have steadily worked towards cleaner water and environment which meant no more fluoride so knowing the importance of healthy dental practices, I've researched for options to fluoridated toothpaste. I've tried many fluoride free toothpastes but they did not leave my teeth feeling clean. Then I researched numerous fluoride free tooth powders. I have tried others but found these are the one and only all natural tooth powders that the work the best, address gum disease and gingivitis, along with clean teeth with the abrasions some tooth powders create! I've impressed my favorite hygienist in my office. Trust me, the dental professional group is hard to impress as they too have been victimized by traditional marketing and education run by agendas. I'm am seeing an increase of informed patients now avoiding fluoride treatments which I am extremely grateful to see! Thank you, Karen Dame, for contributing to my vast continued health recovery! This is the ONLY tooth powder I use and recommend!" Terri C.