The ONLY Targeted Drainage Therapy That Has A Formula For Each Drainage Organ and System.
No Other Brand Offers Targeted Drainage Therapy.
What Is Drainage Cycling?
"Drainage Cycling" is a holistic practice that is all about taking a cyclical approach to draining all pathways of detoxification one at a time. Why? Using Desbio's targeted drainage formulas on different days, 2-3 days per formula and rotating them, helps your body respond optimally and ensures that you get the most benefits from each formula. It will also help you evaluate how your body responds to each formula.
The Desbio Drainage Cycling Kit Contains 5-Formulas, Lymph, Systemic, Liver, Kidney and GI Drainage.
Lung And Mind Drainage Can Be Purchased Separately For Additional Whole Body Drainage.
Using drainage formulas before any detox protocol is important! If the body's drainage pathways are congested, you will not properly move toxins, waste matter and debris killed by detoxification, out of the body. If drainage is not used prior to detoxification, any dead debris will be recirculated and reabsorbed in the body, leaving you feeling sicker and worse than then you did before you detoxed. It will be hard to get better. Draining ALL pathways is the first step on any healing journey.
Drainage and Detox are NOT the same.
Detoxification liberates toxins.
Drainage picks up, binds to and carries toxins out of the body.
If you begin a Detox and Drainage pathways are not open and clear, all of the toxins are going to get swept back up into the body, recirculate and congest.
Support Organs, Tissues and Pathways Before, During and After you Detox. Drainage BEFORE detox will open the drainage pathways to detox and optimize the function of the organs. Drainage DURING Detox will help move pathogens. Drainage AFTER detox will complete the elimination and the cleansing of the metabolic waste that was just liberated by the detox.
The Drainage Kit Contains 5 Select Formulas
Systemic Drainage Drops

Liver Drainage Drops

GI Drainage Drops
Kidney Drainage Drops

Lymph Drainage Drops

Lung Drainage
Lung Drainage is for the relief of upper respiratory symptoms such as congestion, cough, mucous in the lungs, inflammation of bronchial tubes, inflammation of lungs, difficulty breathing (dyspnea), mild hypoxemia (low oxygen), convalescence from lung inflammation, rapid heat beat (tachycardia).
Mind Detox & Drainage
Mind Detox & Drainage Mind support, poor attention, difficulty processing information, difficulty expressing thoughts, difficulty making decisions, memory loss, indolence, denial, sensitivity to external impressions, impatience, hurry, haughtiness, difficulty understanding others, and feeling of suspiciousness.
Desbio Drainage Kit, Drainage Formulas, Comprehensive and Omni Detox Kits
4-Page Step By Step Instructional Guide
The DesBio Step By Step Instructional Guide takes you through Step 1 of healing with the Drainage Kit or Drainage Formulas and Step 2, the Comprehensive Detox or Omni Detox Kits. This 4-page Instructional Guide shows you how to use the kits and each formula or product correctly, proper dosing, minimizing herxing reactions and what to expect so that you experience the best possible outcome.
The DesBio Step By Step Instructional Guide is included with the Drainage Cycling Kit and the Detox Kits when you purchase them from If you are purchasing the formulas individually and not in the kit, you can purchase the guide here.
"Taking the Desbio drainage drops daily has really helped me with certain symptoms. The lymph drainage has eliminated the tender areas I had and the kidney drops have helped keep my cystitis at bay. I’ve figured out that I’m someone that has to go really slow with the detox kit so I think the lymph drainage drops help me with working on detoxification." Christine B.
" I have been on the drainage drops for almost a month now. Things are going great. I am feeling so much better! Looking forward to the detox! " Ginger L.