DesBio Lyme Disease And Co-Infections: Borellia, Babesia, Bartonella & Anaplasma Symptom Clearing Kits


$ 270.27

Size: Phase 1 Borr/Bab Months 1-2: 2 Boxes, 2-Smart Silver, 1-Plus Drops for Herxing


BORRELIA-BABESIA Kit, BARTONELLA Kit and ANAPLASMA Kits May Be Used Separately, Or Simultaneously.


Homeopathy uproots and clears infections so that they are not a problem for you any longer.    Symptom Clearing treatment works with the body so that your body itself is doing the killing of the pathogens. It is an immunological treatment.

This Therapy Can Be Used With or Without Antibiotics


1. Begin With The "Drainage Kit" to open all pathways of detoxification.  If pathways are not open, anything killed by detoxification, will be recirculated and reabsorbed, which will make you feel worse.

2.  Next is the "Comprehensive Detoxification Kit." This is a Whole Body Detox which will clear the body so that the Symptom Series Kit will be most effective with the least amount of herxing possible.   

3. Symptom Series Kit.  4 Boxes of Homeopathic Vials over 6 Months supports the immune system, uproots and clears infections, reduces symptoms of the infections, cleanses the gut, expels parasites, pathogens, toxins and debris and from the body, heals, repairs, soothes and reduces inflammation.  Relieves symptoms related to infections.

4.  Herx or Plus Formula Is Recommended Throughout The Protocol To Help Minimize Die Off Reactions.

*Always Use A BINDER While Detoxing, Unless You Are Constipated.  Using A Binder Will Bind To And Move Dead Toxins, Pathogens And Debris Out Of The Body. 

**If You Are Chronically Constipated, Use Life's Healthiest Whole Food Binder.

Recommended Binders

Desbio ToxAFix

Desbio Daily Bind

CellCore Carboxy

CellCore BioToxin Binder

Quick Silver Ultra Binder

Life's Healthiest Whole Food Binder (Use If You Are Constipated)

 *Step By Step Instructions Will Be Sent Out With Kits Purchases From Life's Healthiest. 

**ADD 30 Minutes Of Flex Time Support If You Have Questions On Navigating Through The Kit Or Need Help.



"My daughter continues to test negative after 3.5 years. She followed the detox/SSR Kit program to the letter." Elizabeth A.

"Client Feedback: "About a month ago I got my energy back and ability to workout again. I haven't been able to work out in over 6 months, it made me feel awful. I am only half way through the 1M kit and I have my mind back. I feel very sharp, alert, aware and clear. This is the first time in over 12 years that I don't have brain fog any longer. My most recent menstrual cycle I had no uterine or back pain which is also new for me. Period paid was always at a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Last cycle it was only a 2!"

"I've just finished my Borrelia and Babesia Kits. My new Lyme testing showed no borrelia or babesia!  I am over the moon and so happy I did the clearing kits. "Susan G.

"My son just started his 3rd month on the Bartonella, Babesia/Borellia Kits.  Like most Lyme infected individuals, he is always worse during the full moon phase. Last week was the first time in years that he had no issues what so ever with the full moon!  These kits are working well.  There have been no mood swings either and his energy level is improving by the week."  Karen D.

"Several years ago I went out to a ranch in Wyoming and came home very sick. All I could do was work and sleep.  I became so sick I could barely walk down to the end of my driveway to get my newspaper.  I got treated from some of the best practitioners in my area of Minnesota and Wisconsin. I was not making much progress with any of the treatments.  My PCP did some tests and said I had Lupus.  I knew I had some kind of chronic infection that I could not figure out for myself. I flew to California and Utah to see doctors for treatment and  made no progress at all.  I was given steroids and years of antibiotics from a lyme specialist in Minnesota which made a mess out of me and did absolutely nothing.  I finally heard about a doctor in N. Carolina who ran more tests and told me I had a spirochete locked into my system. He put me on the Lyme and co-infection Clearing Kits and that made the biggest change in my health out of everything I had done in years.  Nothing has worked better than these clearing kits."  Dr. S. Irestone

I took three kits: Babesia/Lyme, Bartonella and Candida. After 1 year of treatment on antibiotics, my immune system was screwed up and I needed to kick it up with something to get through the fatigue and lethargy. This really helped significantly. After the 2nd vile, I had a strong neurological herx that lasted for 2 days with body-wide inflammation. Then I started feeling like myself. So much more energy and mental clarity. Not sure if this will last beyond finishing the kits, but definitely 90% better since being on it. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a sense of healing.  Byron C.


 It does work! I am proof! I have used DesBio for Bartonella, Babesia, strep, pandas, EBV, and on and on! I’m finally able to dance in my kitchen while I cook! That is not to say I don’t have a few down days but I’m not lying in my bed in pain all day thanks to DesBio!  Stacey W.

These kits gave me my life back!  Nicole G.

This program has worked great for me. Mike M.

Gave me my life back. I feel better after losing my mobility and being almost bed bound. Bartonella was one of my worst beasts to treat. I was miserable. I think it’s important to work with someone who knows how to use DesBio. And you will likely get worse before better (but everyone is different). Detox detox detox! Give it time. I felt worse and discouraged but then better and better. I’m at 90% improved. Just healing some damage done over the years especially to my adrenals. If it’s too strong, you can go slower.  Christy O.

Within 2 weeks of taking Borrelia Babesia Kit my Lyme symptoms improved and now after 60 days I feel fantastic.  Nathan G.


I use Borrelia Babesia  Kit twice a year for lyme. It helps with the fatigue and keeps me from getting sick. I feel so much better after I use this kit.  Debbie K.


I never knew living with lyme disease could ruin your life. I have been to many doctors and they have ran a lot of blood test and could not find a thing wrong except I had a high white blood cell count. Finally I got fed up and did the  Borrelia Babesia Kit and it's changing my life! Thank God for homeopathic medications!  Kimberly M.  


"I have been dealing with chronic Lyme disease for 15 years. Using this product has given me relief from the recent flair up. The use of antibiotics exhausted me and left my digestive system a mess. I now make it through the day without sleeping and my brain fog has been greatly diminished. I am so grateful for these products.  Having an option that works without side effects has given me my energy and zest for life back!"  Patty S.