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CellCore BioSciences
Redefining the way you view root cause solutions.
CellCore Biosciences supports the body’s natural ability to detox through the utilization of Carbon Technology.
Foundational Program
The Foundational Program is a 4-Month Protocol. It uses fewer supplements and is generally best used for those who want to 'trial' the program, those looking for fast results and don't want to commit to a 9-Month Protocol. The Foundational Program is more affordable and does a great job of general detoxing and overall cleansing.
Foundational Program Steps (Each Step Takes 1 Month):
Step 1: Energy & Drainage, Mitochondrial function, balancing the immune system. *Use Bowel Mover During Step 1.
Step 2: Gut & Immune Support, parasites and the digestive tract.
Step 3: Whole Body Immune Support that goes farther, targeting parasites systemically.
Step 4: Systemic Detox is designed to push detoxification by chelating glyphosate, radioactive elements and heavy metals and carrying them out of the body.
Comprehensive Program
The Comprehensive Program is recommended for individuals who are looking for a longer term program (9-Months, possibly longer) to target and heal from chronic health issues and stay well longer. Clients who use this program are those who have conditions like, dietary problems, chemical sensitivities, fibromyalgia, fatigue, Lyme Disease & Co-Infections, Mold Illness and other chronic disease states.
Comprehensive Program Steps (9-Month Program)
Phase 1: 1-Month** (Use Bowel Mover During Phase 1)
Phase 2: 2-Months**
Phase 3: 2-Months**
Phase 4: 4-Months**
-Phase 4A: 2-Months**-Phase 4B: 2-Months**
Phase 5: 2-Months (concurrent with Phase 4B**
Full-Moon Challenge Each Moth of Phase 4 and Phase 5
**Indicates Phase May Take Longer Depending On Your Results.
CT Minerals: Provides minerals derived from fulvic and humic acids. Supports detoxification and energy. Helps with mental clarity, digestion and energy.
BC-ATP: Powerful support for mitochondria, energy, metabolism and ATP production. Supports detox, gut microbiome, mental clarity and energy.
Biotoxin Binder: Contains fulvic and humic acids, and other ingredients to help bind toxins. This is the first binder you should be using because it's the most gentle.
KL Support: Kidney and Liver support should be used while detoxing. Advanced
Tudca: Helps the body produce bile and naturally regulates the gut microbiome. Promotes natural detoxification.
Para 1: Helpful for expelling microscopic and visible parasites, but also debris left behind by bacteria, viruses, parasites and mal-digestion.
Para 2: Supports the immune system, optimizes digestion and helps detoxify and balance the microbiome. Supports clearing unwanted organisms, parasites, fungus, yeast and harmful bacteria.
ViradChem Binder: The second binder to be taken after Biotoxin Binder and before Carboxy. Binds deep into the tissue and blood brain barrier to remove environmental toxins and bacterial toxins. Detoxes chemicals responsible for retroviruses, binds radioactive elements and heavy metals, protects and delivers the ingredients to where the body most needs them. Restores and repairs tissues.
LymeActive: Generates lymphatic movement needed to support lymphatic drainage pathways and keep them open and flowing. Supports drainage and a healthy immune system.
Para 3: Aggressively removes tapeworm, threadworm, roundworm, and parasites in the lungs, liver, and systemically throughout the body. It is aggressive against strongyloides, liver flukes, tapeworm, clostridiium difficile, blastoystis hominis, cndida and many more.
Para 4: Bacteria Buster, Fungus Destroyer! Promotes detox, a healthy microbiome and improved red blood cell production, improving energy too. Can be used on the full moon cleanse and with other products.
Metabolic Activator: A powerful detox for the thyroid, mitochondrial and metabolic support. Infused with the minerals needed for producing thyroid hormone. Supports sex hormones, activates the metabolism and pairs well with GCO and STRO.
* CellCore Instruction Booklet (Step By Step Instruction Guide:) Explanation of Products and Programs Is Available For Purchase If You Want To Embark On Any Of The Detox Programs On Your Own.