Cortisol is for the relief of symptoms of related to adrenal glands such as joint aches, fatigue and low energy.
Abnormal Cortisol levels are associated with, chronic fatigue, depression, anorexia nervosa, PMS, menopause, fibromyalgia, impotence in men, panic disorders. When Cortisol is high, it makes you insulin resistant and when you are insulin resistant, your sex hormones go out of whack and you gain weight.
Low cortisol symptoms include, fatigue, restlessness, irritability, absent mindedness, anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypoglycemia, craving for salt, craving for sugar, tachycardia, palpitations, dizzy when getting up fast, pupil dilation to sustained light challenge, pale, cold, and clammy skin.
Coritsol comes in in a liquid that can be used by adults, as well as children who are twelve years and older.
Hydrocortisone (8X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C)