For the relief of symptoms of vertigo such as faintness, vomiting, motion sickness, spinning or swaying sensation and weakness. Ingredients:
- Cerebellum (6X 12X 30X 200X)
- Bryonia (8X)
- Petroleum (8X)
- tabacum (8X)
- Ambra Grisea (9X)
- Cyclamen Europaeum (9X)
- Natrum Salicylicum (10X)
- Argentum Nitricum (12X)
- Asarum Canadense (12X)
- Calcarea Sulphurica (12X)
- Carboneum Sulphuratum (12X)
- Chininum Sulphuricum (12X)
- Cocculus Indicus (12X)
- Conium Maculatum (12X)
- Digitalis Purpurea (12X)
- Gelsemium Sempervirens (12X)
- Phosphorus (12X)
- Piper Methysticum (12X)
- Silicea (12X)
- Theridion (12X)