DesBio EMF Protect & Balance 1.0 fl oz


$ 33.56 $ 37.29 Save $ 3.73

EMF Protection & Balance Drops

(Counters Symptoms of Daily ElectroMagnetic Frequency Energy Emissions. Supports the body's natural vibration levels)

ElectroMagnetic fields are areas of energy that surround electronic devices. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that electric fields are created by differences in voltage and magnetic fields are created when the electric current flows.
According to WHO, electromagnetic fields affect us because our human bodies have their own electric and biochemical responses (e.g., nervous system, digestion, brain function, heart function).

So exposure to EMFs can interact with your body in adverse ways.  EMF radiation is immuno-suppressive. 

Electromagnetic pollution has been found to cause or exacerbate a multitude of disorders, including cancer, autism, mold illness, lyme disease, chronic fatigue, insomnia and many others. 


Relief of symptoms related to Jet Lag, general body aches, nervousness, muscle cramps, and fatigue due to EMF exposures.  

 Dr. Klinghardt, MD, Mold Illness and Lyme Disease Specialist, uncovered a connection between EMFs and Mold. During his research, he found that EMFs could be responsible for driving certain molds to produce Mycotoxins. ... The mold spores grew at 600 times the regular rate due to the radiation exposure.  EMF's feed mold.

Homeopathic Ingredients: