DesBio Hepatitis Symptom Series Kit (A, B & C)


$ 270.27

Size: Phase 1 Months 1-2: 2 Boxes, 2-Smart Silver, 1-Plus Drops for Herxing

Helps symptoms associated with Viral Hepatitis infection A, B & C.


Homeopathy uproots and clears infections so that they are not a problem for you any longer.    Symptom Clearing treatment works with the body so that your body itself is doing the killing of the pathogens. It is an immunological treatment.

The biggest issue with chronic infections and viruses like Lyme, Mold, EBV, Herpes, Hepatitis and other Viruses, is that they tend to evade the immune system which means viruses become latent until they reactivate or as in the case of lyme, they continue to travel through your body reproducing and getting deep into tissue causing more damage.

Hepatitis Clearing Kit: 

For relief of symptoms related to Hepatitis infection including fatigue, enlarged liver, jaundice, fever, joint pain, abdominal discomfort, spider veins, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dark urine and mental confusion.

Hepatitis A: an acute usually benign hepatitis caused by an RNA-containing virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is transmitted especially in food and water contaminated with infected fecal matter called also infectious hepatitis.

Hepatitis B: sometimes fatal hepatitis caused by a double-stranded DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted especially by contact with infected blood (as by transfusion or by sharing contaminated needles in illicit intravenous drug use) or by contact with other infected bodily fluids (as during sexual intercourse) - called also serum hepatitis.

Hepatitis C: caused by a single-stranded RNA-containing virus usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug, blood transfusion, or exposure to blood or blood products) and that accounts for most cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis.


The intention behind Symptom Clearing Therapy is to get the immune system to recognize the virus or infection, and start to attack. Our immune system is incredibly strong, it just needs to have the guidance to know what to kill or not to kill which is how the therapy works. Each dose of treatment has essentially a form of inactive virus or bacteria DNA which you are targeting. As you take the dose, the body will recognize this new invader and create specialized peptides and antibodies to attack all of the virus or bacteria. This means, suddenly the immune system is awakened and the new antibodies are finally able to see the virus or infection that is all throughout the body and kills it. Each dose in the series are in a different strength & frequency. This is done very carefully so that its ability to target the virus or bacteria as accurate as it can get. 

Symptom Clearing Treatment Kits are completed over a 6-7month period to fight the pathogens.

As your immune system awakens and fights the offending pathogens, you feel better and as you recover, your immune system is being liberated from the hold it has been under all these years from chronic infections and viruses.


Step 1:  Drainage Remedies to open pathways of detoxification.
Step 2:  Begin With The Comprehensive Detoxification Kit.  
Recommended Throughout The Duration Of The Protocol. This will relieve symptoms of detoxification throughout the entire body, keeping pathways open and clear.  

Month 1 & 2:  2 - Hepatitis Low Potency Homeopathic Kits 

Months 3 & 4:  1 - Hepatitis Medium Potency Homeopath Kit

Month 5 & 6:  1 - Hepatitis High Potency Homeopathic Kit

Smart Silver - Anti-viral (not collodial).  Kills viruses

Herx Drops:  Support symptoms of herxing.