Fixing Leaky Gut Can Take 6 - 12 Months To Heal
If You've Developed A Leaky Gut From Antibiotic Therapy, It Can Take Up To 2-Years To Recover From Microbiome Damage Caused By These Drugs.
-Every person who has tested positive for MTHFR has a leaky gut.
-People with inflammatory gut disorders are 3 times more likely to experience depression and/or anxiety.
-A diet that is primarily plants, can literally shift the diversity of the microbiome in as little as 4-days and metabolic concerns too.
-Probiotics (SBO's) are necessary to heal and change the microbiome for the better and should be used every day for the long haul. They modulate pathogenic inflammation , regulate immune response, enhance innate immunity, promote intestinal homeostasis and stimulate protective responses.
-Long term consequences of leaky gut and decreased microbial diversity can result in an overgrowth of dominant species of bad bacteria, further loss of favorable good flora, IBS, Autoimmune diseases, Obesity, Metabolic Disorders, Type 2 Diabetes, Allergies, Neurological disorder.
Intestinal Support Kit Repairs, Heals & Seals The Gut:
Contains the most powerful nutraceuticals, probiotics, and homeopathics to support digestive health and manage uncomfortable GI symptoms. This kit can also be used for general gastrointestinal health. Kit contains 3-products, Intestinal Restore Powder, Leaky Gut Drops and a Probiotic that heals and seals.
Top 3 Products Used For At Least 6 Months
Leaky Gut Formula: For relief of symptoms related to leaky gut syndrome such as fatigue, seasonal allergies, joint pain, occasional constipation, mental fogginess and occasional diarrhea.
Biocidin ProFlora 4R Restore Spore-Based Probiotic