DesBio Detoxification Cycling Kits (60-Day Homeopathic Protocol)


$ 189.95 $ 269.95 Save $ 80

select: DesBio Omni Cleanse and Detoxification Kit 8 Products

Both Detox Cycling Kits Are 60-Day Protocols.

Each Formula Targets A Specific Organ And System Of Detoxification For Targeted And Complete Detoxification!



Homeopathy uproots and clears infections so that they are not a problem for you any longer.

What Happens When You Use The Comprehensive Detoxification Program?

Look and Feel Better
Improved Skin Health
Promotes a youthful appearance
More energy. Clients say they feel like I have the energy back when they were in their 20’s!
Improved sleep
Some have said they smell better
Feel less moody and better overall health

Why is it important to do a homeopathic detoxification?

Reason 1: Because your body will function best and respond to supplements and medications when the burden of tissue toxicity is minimized.

Reason 2: During a health issue when the you are in the deterioration phase, the body begins to store more toxins, both endogenous and exogenous within the tissue matrix leading to system wide inflammation.

Reason 3: When the body's natural detoxification systems become over-burdened, it impedes healing and actually worsens the disease or health issue.

Option 1:  Comprehensive Detoxification Kit

*Daily Bind Not Included

Relieves symptoms related to blockage of drainage pathways in the body. Toxins get stuck in the fat tissues and are can be difficult to remove.  This Kit emphasizes "whole body" detoxification.  Many detox programs focus on only one area of the body failing to address the relationships between organ systems.  This can result in deeply harbored toxins being untouched or toxins getting 'stuck' along the route to elimination leading to toxin recirculation. 
The Comprehensive Detoxification Kit of Homeopathic Remedies allows for detoxification as the body addresses toxins stored in body tissues and allows for the complete removal of them.  
This complete protocol serves as the starting place for all other protocols, including other forms of detoxification. 

All six homeopathic remedies are constructed with 6 different phases of homeopathy (plants, minerals, catalysts, phenolics, bowel nosodes AND sarcodes) put together in chords and Burgi group serial dilutions for enhanced effectiveness.

Comprehensive Detoxification Kit Should Be Started One Week Prior To All Other Protocols And Continue For 8 Weeks.  Kit Includes 6-Homeopathic Droppers For a Total 60 Day Detox  

The Comprehensive Detox Kit contains complex homeopathic formulas designed to target organs within the detox pathways. They go deep down into the cell matrix to detoxify. No other company or formula can do this.

The Comprehensive Detox Kit Contains:

Cerebromax: Targets symptoms relating to sleep, memory, and emotional issues.
Spinalmax: Targets symptoms related to spine issues including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness, and the inability to hold chiropractic spinal adjustments.
Matrix Support: Targets symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion.
Detox I: Targets symptoms related to digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, fatigue, and stomach upset.
Detox II: Targets symptoms relating to headaches, fatigue, and mood issues.
Detox III: Targets symptoms related to improper breakdown and excretion of allergenic substances, including pain, fatigue, cramping and upper respiratory allergy.


Option 2:  Omni Cleanse Detox Kit

*Chose This Detox If You Have Weight To Lose and If You Have Nutrient Deficiencies

Includes Recommended Diet To Emphasize Clean Eating Begins With A 14-Day Detox And A 10-Day Detox Diet .Omni Means All or Everything.  This Is A Detoxification Program That Targets The Entire Body, Not Just An Organ or System Using Homeopathy, Botanicals and Nutrition For An All Encompassing 3-Pronged Approach To Healing, Balance and Wellness.  

The Omni-Detoxification Detox Kit is a revolutionary detoxification program that will improve your energy, vitality, and overall health by helping your body to remove dangerous toxins. The Homeopathic Kit combines botanicals and advanced nutraceuticals to support the body in the facilitation of elimination. It also contains a Homeopathic approach to relieve symptoms during this process.  
The Omni Powder and Capsules are meant to be a 2 week supply as a jump start to the homeopathic detox protocol kit,  but can be continued throughout the protocol.
Omni Cleanse Powder has pea protein only. It has 5g of protein per serving.
Benefits of the OmniCleanse Powder: Nutraceutical ingredients to facilitate the flushing of toxins through the matrix. Supportive ingredients for Phase1:2 Detoxification. Nutraceutical ingredients to support digestive function and barrier integrity. Botanical remedies to promote healthy urinary flora. Probiotics for immune system support. Functional nutrients for optimal nutritional status.

Each kit includes: Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit, OmniCleanse Powdered Drink, OmniCleanse Capsules & Diet


Steps To A Whole Body Detox - Omni Detox:

Step 1: Optimize Nutritional Status
Step 2:  Protect Brain and Nervous System
Step 3: Clear the Matrix
Step 4:  Support Liver/Phase 1 and 2 Detoxification
Step 5:  Restore Digestive and Colon Integrity
Step 6: Purify Kidneys and Bladder 
Step 7:  Drain Lymph System and Provide Immune Support

Omni Powder Ingredients:

Omni Essentials Ingredients:


"I lost 40 lbs. using the Omni Detox Kit!"  B. Shelton

"There IS HOPE everyone. Don’t give up. Today I cried tears of JOY for the first time in this journey😭. Something I didn’t know if I would ever feel. I want to share my story...
I will always remember today as the day that I had the biggest SUCCESS in my Hypothyroidism journey. My thyroid is in normal range for the first time since I was diagnosed 5 years ago AND I’ve done it all naturally!  I’ve waited 5 LONG years for this moment. I have FINALLY found the missing piece in my journey. Karen and her products were that missing piece. Karen, you have given me hope again for the FIRST time in 5 years. Your products and knowledge have been what I had been missing. You have CHANGED my life. I will try my best to summarize my story as short and sweet as possible. So, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in June 2015. My daughter (2nd pregnancy) was a year old at the time and I was still nursing her. My PCP ran the entire thyroid work up. Everything was within normal range, but my TSH, which was 7.15. Hashimoto’s was also ruled out right away. My PCP wanted to start me on Synthroid, but I was determined from the beginning to try and reverse my Hypothyroidism naturally and I have been on a mission for the last 5 years to do this. I can’t even begin to tell you how many articles and books I’ve read about treating Hypothyroidism naturally. I’ve been eating healthy and avoiding foods that are said to be harmful to the thyroid (gluten, soy, dairy, etc.) I’ve also tried so many natural supplements over the past 5 years. Between the supplements, foods I was eating and exercising, I was able to get my TSH down to the low 5’s and high 4’s naturally. But, I’ve been stuck in that range for the last couple of years until NOW. I just finished doing the Comprehensive 2 month detox yesterday and also had my TSH redrawn. I have more energy now and my mental clarity has improved so much. I’m no longer noticing any hypothyroidism symptoms since doing the detox. I can’t thank you enough Karen and I can’t recommend the 2 month Comprehensive detox enough! I’m looking forward to trying more of your products. You are an angel on earth."  Lori M.


"I’ve been struggling with health problems for awhile now - well over 6 years. One of the biggest struggles for me was the associated weight gain because nothing - exercise, diet adjustment, or supplements - helped take the weight off. I woke up this morning and weighed myself, which I haven’t been doing regularly because the scale never seems to budge, because I felt really good today, which is rare. I am happy to report that I am down 10 lbs. I contribute it to the Comprehensive Cleansing program and the Homeopathic drainage drops that I’ve been using for the past 2 months. This is HUGE for me because I literally haven’t been able to lose any weight in over 6 years. I had no problems gaining weight, though. The products Karen provides are the best I’ve used and have made a huge difference in my overall health. Karen, thank you for all of your help and for providing products that are actually restoring my health. I am so grateful for everything you do." Laura L.

"I hated to spend the money but now that I'm on day 13 and starting to feel better I'm glad I did it and can't wait to get my mold detox kit!"  Kathy S.  

"I'm feeling so much better after starting the Homeopathic Detox and I can't wait to see the total outcome after adding the Drainage liquid too. Thank you Karen!" 
"This has been such a great detox for me.  The tinctures are so easy to use, much easier than capsule or pills.  I feel great!  My skin looks healthier and I feel cleaner and more energetic than I have in a long time.  This detox is the best! " Susan B.   "

"This is the best detox I have ever used! It is easy to use and makes a huge difference in helping my body to become healthier!! This is the third year in a row I have used it and have now ordered one for a friend!"   Cheryl G.

"I’ve been struggling with health problems for awhile now - well over 6 years. One of the biggest struggles for me was the associated weight gain because nothing - exercise, diet adjustment, or supplements - helped take the weight off.
I woke up this morning and weighed myself, which I haven’t been doing regularly because the scale never seems to budge, because I felt really good today, which is rare. I am happy to report that I am down 10 lbs. I contribute it to the Comprehensive Cleansing program and the Homeopathic drainage drops that I’ve been using for the past 2 months. This is HUGE for me because I literally haven’t been able to lose any weight in over 6 years. I had no problems gaining weight, though. The products Karen provides are the best I’ve used and have made a huge difference in my overall health. Karen, thank you for all of your help and for providing products that are actually restoring my health. I am so grateful for everything you do." Laura L."I hated to spend the money but now that I'm on day 13 and starting to feel better I'm glad I did it and can't wait to get my mold detox kit!"  Kathy S.   "I'm doing good.  Feeling pretty great actually and getting more energy which makes me very happy!  I'm usually pretty lethargic."  Deb D. "Feeling good, no feeling GREAT!  I have just finished the Omni-Detox and boy did I need this.  My energy is through the roof.  My mental clarity is sharper than it has been in a long time and I have even lost weight.  This is going to be something I do every six months."  Maureen S.   "I have used this product a few times and each time it provides excellent results! I feel energized and healthier after the first week. Love the recipes and the easy to follow instructions."  Lauren T.


Homeopathic Ingredients In Each Dropper:







OMNI CLEANSE CAPSULES (Only Available with the Omni Detox Kit)

OMNI CLEANSE POWDER (Only Available with the Omni Detox Kit)


Daily Bind Liposomal


Desbio Drainage Kit, Drainage Formulas, Comprehensive and Omni Detox Kits 

4-Page Step By Step Instructional Guide


The DesBio Step By Step Instructional Guide takes you through Step 1 of healing with the Drainage Kit or Drainage Formulas and Step 2, the Comprehensive Detox or Omni Detox Kits.  This 4-page Instructional Guide shows you how to use the kits and each formula or product correctly, proper dosing, minimizing herxing reactions and what to expect so that you experience the best possible outcome.

The DesBio Step By Step Instructional Guide is included with the Drainage Cycling Kit and the Detox Kits when you purchase them from  If you are purchasing the formulas individually and not in the kit, you can purchase the guide here.