DesBio Progesterone 1.0 fl oz


$ 37.62 $ 41.69 Save $ 4.07

Progesterone is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to dairy and milk products, mood swings, painful menses, nervousness, hot flashes, headache, and back and leg pain.

Progesterone down regulates estrogen activity.  It is produced by the ovaries and is known to reduce anxiety, delivers a calming effect to the body and makes women happy.  Postpartum depression is caused by a rapid decline in progesterone levels.  Progesterone increases sleepiness, helps to build and maintain bones, slows the digestive process, promotes appetite and fat storage (important in pregnancy) and helps breast tissue mature, while preparing breasts to produce milk.

Symptoms of Low Progesterone Include, heavy periods, PMS, tender breasts, hair loss, water retention, low sex drive, dry skin, acne, light or restless sleep, insomnia, fibroids
or cysts.
  • Progesterone (6X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C)