24 Hour Urine Iodine Loading Test Kit
This Test Is Considered The 'Gold Standard'
For Evaluating Iodine Levels In The Body.
Test Kit Options With Add On's:
1: Bromide, Fluoride & Chloride, $209.00
2: Bromide & Fluoride, $179.00
3: Fluoride Only, $139.00
4: Bromide Only, $139.00
*Prices Include Shipping
(New York and California Residents Are Not Permitted To Run This Test)
Why Urine And Not Blood For Checking Iodine Levels In The Body? Blood is measuring what you are taking in from your diet. Urine gives a cell saturation, provided you don't have halide toxicity to block the receptors from taking it in.
The 24-Hour Iodine Loading Test is an in depth test to evaluate whole body sufficiency for Iodine, or how well your tissues are absorbing iodine. Iodine is needed for the production of thyroid hormone in the body.
Bromide, Chloride and Fluoride are toxic hologens that take up space in the iodine receptors, if there isn't enough iodine, displacing iodine which makes an individual more iodine deficient. The 24-Hour Iodine Loading test is a test you run over 24 hours in the privacy of your home using a urine specimen.
The toxic halogens, Bromide, Fluoride and Chloride tests can be added and are highly recommended because it will provide a clearer picture of what the TRUE status of the saturation level is. For example, if see a higher saturation level (80% or above) with a bromide level over 10 mgs/L (the upper limit of normal per Dr. Guy Abraham) you are bromide toxic and the receptors that would normally be able to pull iodine into the cells cannot because bromide is blocking the receptors, taking up space where iodine should be in the receptors. This will result in a high level of iodine being eliminated in the urine indicating (falsely) that you are more saturated than you are.
Individuals with results such as these should consider supplementing with Lugol’s Iodine liquid or tablets (both are available at LifesHealthiest.com), in doses of 50 mgs or more for 6 months to 1 year and then retest Iodine Loading and halogen levels to see what the new status is. Dr. Abraham has stated that this amount of time is needed to make significant progress in detoxing and to build saturation in the cells.
Instructions For Collecting The Specimen, As Well As A 50mg Iodine Tablet Are Included In The Kit.
Whole body Iodine sufficiency is reached when 90% or more of the ingested amount is excreted in the urine.
**Before participating in this evaluation, discuss any history of thyroid surgery and/or radiation, Hashimoto disease, and any previous problems with your thyroid with your healthcare provider.