Life's Healthiest METABOLISM BOOST Whole Food Nutritional Therapy 6.0 oz (Metabolic Rate and Weight Control)

Life's Healthiest

$ 36.95

Life's Healthiest Metabolism Boost

Whole Food Nutritional Therapy

Nature Is So Smart, It Put The Medicine In The Food!

Life's Healthiest Smart Formulas use nutrition to promote health and to decrease the risk of disease and illness.  Nutritional Therapy ingredients are derived from whole organic foods which are the best sources of nutrients for the body to recognize, absorb and use to provide healing benefits.  Already macerated, highly bioavailable nutrients reach the bloodstream quickly and are swiftly absorbed without taxing the digestive system.

Life's Healthiest Metabolism Boost increases the metabolic rate leading to improved health and weight maintenance control. 

Life's Healthiest Metabolism Boost is a nutrient dense whole food blend that contains the highest thermogenic foods in nature which stimulates metabolism and offers great fat-burning and weight maintenance control.   This Smart Formula blend boosts the number of calories you burn every day as it increases the metabolic rate at which your body burns calories.

Life's Healthiest Metabolism Boost jump starts metabolism which then: 

  • promotes calorie burning
  • preserves muscle mass
  • sustains energy
  • curbs the appetite
  • promotes fat loss
  • strengthens immunity
  • boosts brain power
  • improves digestion
  • detoxifies

Life's Healthiest Metabolism Boost thermogenic whole food therapy powder requires your body to use more energy to digest than it takes to eat.  Performs best when used together with a clean diet and moderate exercise.  Boosting your metabolism not only helps with weight, it also encourages elimination too!

This Life's Healthiest Whole Food Nutritional Therapy Smart Formula contains:

  • Apples burn fat in different and effective ways. They are a powerhouse of fibers that enhance the metabolism of your body.  Apples are a source of pectin that restricts cells from absorbing fat.
  • Lemons are great detoxifying agents. They prevent the accumulation of fat in the body and are great for burning fat.
  • Blueberries influence genes that regulate fat-burning and storage, helping reduce abdominal fat, lower high cholesterol and protect against diabetes.
  • Avocado is linked to a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. One of the things that make avocados a high thermic food is their high magnesium content. Magnesium plays an essential role in the absorption of other nutrients, and it helps regulate digestion and blood glucose levels. It also activates enzymes that synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a compound that provides energy to the cells in your body.
  • Cinnamon boosts the metabolism, since the body uses more energy to process the spice than it does for other foods. Cinnamon improves body metabolism, targeting the fat deposited in the abdominal area.
  • Ginger is a vasodilator, meaning it increases the diameter of small arteries and enhances circulation of the blood. Increased blood flow and circulation typically lead to an increase in body temperature, called the thermogenic effect, which promotes metabolism and burns more calories. Ginger promotes digestion and stimulates metabolism, both of which lead to calorie burning. 
  • EGCG (from apples, avocado & white tea) boosts the burning of fat.

How To Use:  Naturally effective Life's Healthiest Nutritional Therapy Smart Formula blends are made from organic whole foods and easily incorporated into your diet.  Mix one tablespoon of powder into a smoothie, a cup of water, coffee or tea; or sprinkle on yogurt, pudding, granola and oatmeal; or even cooked in baked goods.

Dosage:  1 to 3 tablespoons per day, taking one tablespoon  at a time with or without food.  Since Life's Healthiest Nutritional Therapy Smart Formula blends are whole food based you may use two or more different powder blends at the same time, mixing them together if you prefer but staying within the 1 to 3 tablespoons dosage per day recommendation for each powder blend.

Shelf Life and Storage:   Life's Healthiest Nutritional Therapy Smart Formula blends have a shelf life of twelve months with the individual expiration date marked on each package. Store in a cool dry location. Refrigeration is not required.

Be Smart With Life's Healthiest Whole Food Nutritional Therapy

 Paleo - Keto - Vegetarian - Vegan - No Additives - Chemical Free