Beets Have More Health Benefits Than You Probably Realize.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
That's because people just don't understand the BEET.You look at a beet and think, 'What can it do for me? BEETS actually have more benefits than you would think.BEETS are low in calories and high in phytonutrients, healthy compounds produced by plants. The first thing that comes to mind when...
GERD, Ulcers, Sleep....What's The Connection? Melatonin!
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
If you are having difficulty with sleep due to parasite infections, hormonal imbalances, stress or whatever may be the case, and you don't want to rely on prescription medications which are addicting, there are natural options to help improve and even correct sleep issues.Melatonin Detoxifies The Brain, Improves Gut Health...