Detoxing Brain To Butt: How Your Body Processes And Eliminates Toxins.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

When the body’s natural process of detoxification and elimination is working generally good health follows. This means opening Drainage Pathways and Detoxing Brain to Butt!Here’s How It Works… The liver - removes substances we ingest, including food additives, harmful minerals, toxic medication, and excess hormones. The colon, or large intestine...

Improve Digestion, Elimination AND Peristalsis....Feel Better Again!

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Peristalsis is a wave like muscular contraction that squeezes food through the digestive tract and intestines to be digested. Things like Mold Illness, Lyme Disease and Parasite Infections can affect peristalsis. Hypothyroidism also affects peristalsis and motility.  Pathogens slow, interrupt, and stagnate digestion by blocking how your body processes food,...

Bile movement is needed for digestion, elimination, hormones and mycotoxin elimination.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Mycotoxins congest bile.  If bile is stagnant, it can be a breeding ground for parasitic infections and viruses.   Bile helps you preserve the vitamin D that you gained from sun exposure during the warm summer months. Bile helps you preserve vitamin A and all the other fat soluble nutrients....

Your GallBladder is NOT an Optional Organ....Despite What You've Been Told.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Keep Your Gallbladder Healthy and Free of Stones. Your gallbladder is an organ that is considered to be part of the digestive system, that is, it is needed for proper digestion and the bile it stores is needed for effective elimination. We, and our doctors, seem to undervalue the job...

Have you heard of betalains?

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

We love beets for their rich betaine content, which is an excellent methyl donor, helping to improve methylation and recovering your DNA. Beets are also an epigenetic modulator, guiding changes to DNA that regulate whether genes are turned on or off.