If you're in menopause, there are 5 things you need to know about weight management.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Our metabolism slows down with aging and is definitely a factor. Our lifestyle also changes in midlife which contributes to weight issues. Hormone changes you are experiencing in menopause definitely affects your body composition. We know that in addition to changes with age, women gain and extra 1.5 lbs. a...
Kick Candida To The Curb, Here's How.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Candida is a sign of something larger. We are meant to have some candida, but when it gets overgrown or out of control, there is something causing the overgrowth. Things that can cause candida to spiral out of control include, Antibiotic therapy Diabetes Alcohol Oral Birth Control Sad American Diet...
Berberine...a.k.a. Nature's Ozempic Or Exercise In A Bottle!
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Berberine activates AMPK which is a pathway that upregulates metabolism. It's also activated during exercise, hence the phrase, exercise in a bottle. This pathway takes blood sugar out of the blood and puts it into the cells where it can be used for energy. With GLP-1's and Berberine, GI upset...
Anxious, Can't Sleep, Wired But Exhausted, Can't Lose Weight, Blood Sugar, Irritability, Nausea. Feel Better With These.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Adrenal HealthHormonal Imbalances Generally Stem From The Adrenals And The Inability To Control Cortisol.Addressing Adrenal Fatigue Can Make A Huge Difference In Hormonal Health. Adrenal Synergy, Adrenal Support And Methyl B-Complex Fortify Adrenals, Especially If You Are Dealing With Blood Sugar Issues, Reproductive Hormone Imbalances, If You Are...