Cognitive Decline Does Not Have To Be Part Of The Aging Process. This Helps Keep Your Brain Healthy!

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Cognitive decline may seem like a natural stage of aging, but it doesn't have to be. Nutrients that help your brain function better, if incorporated into your diet, can help you maintain your focus and memory as you age.Top nutrients to consider for improving brain health include: *B vitamins - Deficiencies in B vitamins have been associated with memory loss and cognitive decline. *Magnesium - Supports cognitive abilities and decrease common age-related memory decline. *Choline - Maintains healthy cell membranes and communication between brain cells. *Omega 3's - Omega blood levels have been related to improved measures of cognition. *CoQ10 - Antioxidant activity protects the brain from oxidative stress that contributes to degeneration of neuronal cells. *NAD+ - Facilitates healthy brain aging and helps improve cognitive function. * L-Carnitine - Improves cellular energy production in the mitochondria and is neuro-protective.  

Reasons To Avoid Synthetic Vitamins....What If Food Could Make You Feel Better?

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Reasons To Avoid Synthetic Vitamins. They Aren't Natural. They Cause Deficiencies. They are Fractionated Trace Amounts That Do Nothing For You. They Don't Absorb Well. They Contain NO Cofactors or Enzymes.  

This Can Wreck Your Thyroid!

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Bromide Toxicity Can Wreck Your Thyroid Function.Bromide toxicity can be a cause of hypothyroidism leading to HASHI’s. Because iodine is so important to proper thyroid function it stands to reason that if you have excess bromide in your body, which acts to displace iodine you will have a iodine shortage and potential reduced levels of thyroid function. So where do we get bromide toxicity? There was a time when iodine was added to flour, that stopped in the 1970's and in place of iodine, bromide was added. There is no benefit to adding bromide to any food. Bromide is also found in flame retardant clothing, furniture covering and pesticides. Bromide may be blocking your thyroid hormone production!

If You've Struggled With Detox Protocols, This Is Probably Why.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

If you’ve struggled with having success on a detox protocol, consider that true detoxification is not a one-time event. It’s a process that should happen over a period of time to rid your body of toxins and harmful substances.