About the Natural Iodine in The Iodine Protocol

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Your body uses iodine all over your body, in all of your organs and especially the  breasts and prostate. Trillions of cells have a receptor site for iodine and need it — and, sadly, many people are starving themselves of iodine because they think it is radioactive or they think...

Most people will develop a thyroid nodule by the time they are 50 years old.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Thyroid nodules are lumps which commonly arise within an otherwise normal thyroid gland. Often these abnormal growths of thyroid tissue are located at the edge of the thyroid gland so they can be felt as a lump in the throat. When they are large or when they occur in very...

All illnesses and diseases are improved by clearing the Lymph System.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

The Lymph system removes waste products from every cell in the body. It absorbs fats and delivers proper fluid levels to the cells. Proper fluid levels fight infections, take away toxins, chronic and potentially all deadly infections and cancers.   If your Lymph is not open and clear before you...

Menopause hormone therapy significantly reduces the incidence of breast cancer.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

A study from the Women's Health Initiative "Randomized trials of estrogen-alone and breast cancer incidence: a meta-analysis" looked at 10 randomized trials, looking at estrogen alone and breast cancer incidents. The study states that in the totality of randomized clinical trial data, looking at estrogen alone, menopause hormone therapy significantly...

Fibroids: Alternative Therapies To Avoid Surgery

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Recently on The Today Show, they ran a story about an NBC journalist with life long fibroids who had been to many doctors only to be dismissed by them. A familiar story for many of us. She ended up in the ER, then found a doctor who ultimately removed her...

Iodine and Cancer.....Current statistics show that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Let’s examine one of the most important minerals that can block breast cancer:  IODINE. It may surprise you to learn that a simple mineral, iodine, can not only protect against breast cancer, but can actually help fight it. Research has been done on animals using a substance that blocks iodine...

Your thyroid condition has a significant impact on oral health.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Certain health conditions like THYROID DISEASE, LYME DISEASE, DIABETES, CANCER, HIV AND OTHER VIRUSES, ANEMIA OR LOW IRON, EATING DISORDERS, are a risk factor for gum disease, especially gingivitis and periodontal diseases.   Poor oral health is also linked to heart disease and stroke. The gum tissues in your mouth are...

Elevated levels of cholesterol are extremely common in people with thyroid dysfunction.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Several decades ago, normal cholesterol was 250-300. Then when statins came along the normal range was changed to 200 and keeps getting lower. Today, they have lowered it again to around 170.  

Iodine Is Not Just For Your Thyroid And There's Mass Confusion On This Topic.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Iodine is used all over your body, in all of your organs especially your breasts and prostate. Trillions of cells have a receptor site for iodine and need it — and, sadly, many people are starving themselves of iodine because they think it is radioactive or they think they are allergic to it because of an allergy to shellfish which is not an iodine allergy, it's an allergy to a protein in shellfish.

Testosterone therapy decreased the risk of Breast Cancer.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

A study looked at over 10,000 women on testosterone therapy. It concluded that testosterone did not cause any increase in breast cancer, blood clots or cardiac events. Instead, what it showed is that testosterone therapy decreased these risks!In the study, as it relates to breast cancer, it was shown that testosterone therapy actually decreased the risk of breast cancer by 50%!!!!!