An inability to sweat means you are low in Iodine.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Our skin is the largest organ of detoxification and sweating is a way for toxic metals and other toxins to be excreted or even as a means for better thermoregulation or circulation of body fluids. In cooler months we don't sweat as much or as easily as we do during...

About the Natural Iodine in The Iodine Protocol

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Your body uses iodine all over your body, in all of your organs and especially the  breasts and prostate. Trillions of cells have a receptor site for iodine and need it — and, sadly, many people are starving themselves of iodine because they think it is radioactive or they think...

Who should use it? NDT, T3, T4 Thyroid Medication 101

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Natural Desiccated Thyroid. Who should use it? Anyone who does not feel better on T4 only If you are 10-20 lbs overweight If you have never been on thyroid meds If you have low fT3 and low fT4 and normal rT3 T3 only. Who should use it? Anyone with an...

The 7 Vitamins and Minerals you need for thyroid health.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

A healthy thyroid helps regulate your metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being.  Fuel your thyroid for optimal conversion!  Vitamin B:  Super important for thyroid health. They improve memory, cognitive function, elevate mood and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C:  Reduces thyroid antibodies. Protects the thyroid from oxidative damage. Helps to improve...

Is this you? 24 Common Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Inflammation of the thyroid gland Goiter and Nodules Feelings of weakness Feeling cold all the time Slow mental faculties Unexplainable weight gain Hypothermia Hair Loss Depression and anxiety Constipation Muscle pain Fatigue Early Signs of Iodine Deficiency Include: Weight Gain Fatigue Low Energy Hair Loss/Thinning Dry Skin Cold Intolerance Reduced...

Where To Begin For Improving Your Thyroid Health...

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Start with testing, then treatment, then re-test again annually. Step #1:  Comprehensive Thyroid Panel TestMeasures the levels of thyroid hormones and antibodies in the blood. The results provide important information about thyroid function and help diagnose and monitor conditions such as Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Available direct to you without...

Breast Pain, Menstrual or Menopausal Mood Swings, Endometriosis?

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Iodine can relieve breast pain, ovulation pain, premenstrual mood symptoms and help to prevent ovarian cysts. It works by promoting healthy estrogen metabolism, down regulating estrogen receptors and stabilizing estrogen-sensitive tissue in the breasts, uterus, ovaries, and brain. As one paper says, iodine has 'a net anti-estrogenic effect.Iodine’s anti-estrogen effect...

Most people will develop a thyroid nodule by the time they are 50 years old.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Thyroid nodules are lumps which commonly arise within an otherwise normal thyroid gland. Often these abnormal growths of thyroid tissue are located at the edge of the thyroid gland so they can be felt as a lump in the throat. When they are large or when they occur in very...

Iodine may be the missing key to weight loss

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Iodine and a healthy metabolism When it comes to weight loss, many people see success when they stick to a strict diet and exercise regime. However, for some people, excess weight is incredibly hard to get rid of and unexpected weight gain is a frustrating problem. When this is the...

The Iodine Protocol consists of 4-Key Nutrients

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Lugol's Iodine, Thyroid Specific Magnesium, Thyroid Specific Selenium, and Whole Food Vitamin C. Lugol's Iodine.  Lugol's is the ONLY form of iodine that has been studied, therefore, it is the only form recommended. Iodine helps the body displace toxic halogens and heavy metals. It is also needed for the production...

Eight ways that magnesium rescues hormones.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Magnesium is part of The Iodine Protocol. It is also fantastic for hormone health and here's why:   Regulates cortisol. It calms your nervous system and prevents excessive cortisol. Your stress hormonal system—also called your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis—is your central hormonal system. When it functions well, then your other hormones...

Iodine Affects A Woman's Body Hormonally In Four Ways, Thyroid, Ovaries, Brain, And Breasts.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Thyroid: Iodine is important for the functioning of the thyroid. It is needed for the production of thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Iodine is needed by the main thyroid hormone, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), to release T3 and T4 and prevent the development of a goiter (an enlarged thyroid)....

Your thyroid condition has a significant impact on oral health.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Certain health conditions like THYROID DISEASE, LYME DISEASE, DIABETES, CANCER, HIV AND OTHER VIRUSES, ANEMIA OR LOW IRON, EATING DISORDERS, are a risk factor for gum disease, especially gingivitis and periodontal diseases.   Poor oral health is also linked to heart disease and stroke. The gum tissues in your mouth are...

Why Do You Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

You aren't getting the right labs. A complete thyroid panel is needed to tell you how your physiology is working. TSH is not enough to determine the health of your thyroid. Labs you need: TSH, Free T3, Free T3, Reverse T3.

ADRENALS.....These Glands Need Love Too.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

The adrenal glands release stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline in response to a stressor. If the stress continues for a long period of time, the adrenals can no longer meet the demands for putting out a continuous supply of stress hormones leaving the adrenals and you exhausted. What happens next is that this high level of adrenal stress hormones disrupt the normal functions of the thyroid gland which is why the adrenals need to be addressed prior to the thyroid.

Elevated levels of cholesterol are extremely common in people with thyroid dysfunction.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Several decades ago, normal cholesterol was 250-300. Then when statins came along the normal range was changed to 200 and keeps getting lower. Today, they have lowered it again to around 170.