If you have the MTHFR gene mutations iodine researchers recommend testing selenium levels using an RBC Selenium test prior to supplementing selenium.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Those with MTHFR gene mutations tend to recycle selenium much more efficiently than those who do not have the MTHFR gene mutations. This recycling can cause elevated selenium levels, sometimes very elevated, well over 1,000 as it relates to the lab ranges.
If you have the MTHFR gene mutations, iodine researchers recommend testing selenium levels using an RBC Selenium test, prior to supplementing selenium.
The RBC Selenium test is available directly to you without a prescription which you can find at the Life's Healthiest Rupa Health Test Options in the Thyroid and Thyroid Health section.
For those that test high in selenium the iodine researchers recommend not supplementing as long as your test levels remain in the upper end of the range.
When and if you do use selenium for The Iodine Protocol, make sure you are using the correct form of selenium in a whole food form which is the most absorbable and the least likely to become toxic.
Consider Life's Healthiest Thyroid Selenium (whole food, organic) when you do supplement.