Signs of Low Progesterone And How To Raise It Naturally
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
When your progesterone is low, due to low levels or progesterone resistance, estrogen dominates. The consequences can be rage, headaches, cysts, miserable periods, and sleep disorders.
Progesterone is important for your overall sense of equilibrium or well-being and it balances out estrogen. Progesterone provides contentment, which is often lost when we enter into perimenopause.
Some of the common symptoms of low progesterone are:
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Flooding and spotting
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Low fertility
- Cyclic headaches
- Disrupted sleep patterns
- Night sweats
- Anxiety
First step: Limit caffeine and don’t forget stress.
When chronic stress causes cortisol levels to rise, the cortisol also will block your progesterone receptors. Progesterone and cortisol compete for the progesterone receptors. If progesterone can’t bind with a receptor because cortisol is blocking it, then you will feel low in progesterone even if your serum level is normal, because progesterone cannot get inside of your cell’s nucleus. What happens?
Your mood worsens, particularly before your period. Your stress resilience drops, you feel anxious, and you can’t calm yourself down. This is why managing stress levels is top of the priority list when it comes to balancing your hormones.
Natural ways to increase your progesterone levels include Life's Healthiest Real Vitamin C, Maca which is an adaptogen that is a key ingredient in the Life's Healthiest Happy Hormones Whole Food Nutritional Therapy Blend, and Homeopathic Progesterone.