The Truth About SunScreen and Vitamin D!
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
In order for your body to make Vitamin D, sun exposure is imperative. Vitamin D is important for producing healthy cholesterol. Cholesterol is a precursor to melatonin, the foundation for all of your hormones and it is also food for your brain.
Guess what hormone is beneficial in warding off and curing many cancers? Melatonin.
You cannot produce melatonin in the body without enough vitamin D. The best source of Vitamin D is from direct sun.
It's no wonder that since sunscreen has come on the market that vitamin D levels have plummeted, people suffer from more and more sleep disorders, and cancers of all kinds are on the rise. Skin cancers are highest among the population of people who wear sunscreen daily. Screening out the sun prevents the synthesis of Vitamin D. The key is to stay out long enough to turn pink, not red.
Fact: People who wear sunscreen daily have a higher rate of skin cancer.
Fact: Low Vitamin D levels is correlated with autoimmune diseases.
Fact: People who live above the Atlanta, Georgia parallel have a low level of Vitamin D and the further north you live, the lower your level of Vitamin D.
If you can't get your Vitamin D from direct sunlight, the next best thing is Desbio Liposomal Vitamin D3/K2.