How Binders Work.

Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP

Here is some good information on Binders from Allison Vickory. I've added some of my own thoughts on the subject as well.

How Binders Work:

  • Binders are fibers that sit in the gut.
  • When the liver processes toxins, it binds them to bile and excretes this into the gastrointestinal tract. There, the insoluble fibers bind with them and eliminate them via stool.
  • When insufficient binders are in the gut, the overflow of bile is recirculated via the hepatic portal vein to the vagus nerve. Toxins can be a leading cause of small intestinal issues.  As a result, excess toxins travel from the vagus nerve to deposit them into the body’s internal organs.
  • Binders speed up the amount of toxins eliminated, preventing toxins from recirculating and reducing the body’s load.

What are the main types of binders?  There are many types of binders available on the market today including:

Activated Charcoal

  • Firstly, activated charcoal is manufactured from wood, peat, or coconut shell.
  • During manufacturing, charcoal becomes ‘activated’ by creating holes within its structure to increase its binding capability.
  • This process results in a versatile binder that binds to many substances, including toxins, mycotoxins, vitamins, minerals, and even inflammatory molecules. As such, it binds indiscriminately.
  • It is especially effective in treating acute poisoning and managing chronic die-off situations, including short-term cases of diarrhea. It can also uniquely bind to some mycotoxins.

Bentonite Clay

  • Next, is bentonite clay. People also refer to bentonite clay as montmorillonite clay.
  • It uniquely absorbs some mycotoxins, pesticides, herbicides, and cyanotoxins in lakes polluted by harmful algal blooms. As such, if binds more disriminately.
  • Additionally, bentonite clay has intrinsic broad-spectrum antibacterial properties and a healing effect on the gastrointestinal lining.


  • Chitosan serves the same purposes as Welchol, helping with mycotoxin binding, cholesterol management, and weight reduction.
  • This compound binds to the bile salts, so it binds to all fatty acids. As such, it binds indiscriminately. Consequently, it should be used only for a short time.
  • Additionally, manufacturers derive chitosan from shellfish by enzymatically treating chitin, a shell component. Therefore, people who are allergic to shellfish may not tolerate Chitosan.


  • Chlorella is a blue-green algae rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and amino acids.
  • It has a high affinity for heavy metals, with a lower affinity for aluminium, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins.
  • Importantly, because chlorella is a living organism, it has evolved to bind only to toxic substances, not essential minerals. As such, it is an intelligent binder. Thus, it can be used long-term with no risk of nutritional deficiency.

Ecklonia Cava

  • Also, ecklonia cava is an alga with the same properties as chlorella.
  • Individuals often tolerate it when they cannot tolerate anything else.
  • Notably, this algae contains various compounds demonstrating anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-retroviral, and prebiotic activities. It is an intelligent binder that is suitable for long-term use.


  • Enterosgel a silica-based gel, has become a household name in Russia due to extensive studies.
  • Despite its chemical-sounding ingredients, it is exceptionally well-tolerated and does not bind to micronutrients or beneficial bacteria.
  • Like zeolite, it binds to histamines.
  • Manufacturers market it for radiation poisoning, food poisoning, diarrhea, and hangovers.
  • Extensive studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in improving conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, candida, urticaria, dermatitis, and eczema.
  • Additionally, it also has a very high affinity for aluminum. It is a discriminating binder.

Humic and Fulvic Acids

  • Another option is humic and fulvic acids. Primarily, these are made from decomposed plant matter.
  • They are best known for binding to environmental chemicals such as glyphosate.
  • Taking humic and fulvic acids before a meal may counteract any glyphosate consumption in that meal.
  • While they are also relatively weak binders of heavy metals suitable for daily maintenance use, they also provide antioxidant protection, improve immune defense and microbiome support, and restore nutrients.
  • They are an intelligent binder suitable for long term use.

Modified Citrus Pectin

  • Modified citrus pectin is manufactured from the inner white pulp of citrus fruit peels.
  • It has a high affinity for lead and a moderate affinity for arsenic and cadmium.
  • It does not bind to nutrients or minerals, making it an intelligent binder and safe to consume long-term with meals.
  • It is rarely, if ever, tolerated by clients with histamine intolerance or mast cell activation.
  • Purified Silica
  • Silica and purified silica specifically binds to thiolic (sulphur) metal-binding groups.
  • Notably, it has a very high affinity for methyl-mercury, lead, and cadmium. It is a discriminating binder.


  • Zeolite is a discriminating binder.
  • It binds to mercury, aluminium, cadmium, lead, and mycotoxins.
  • It binds to histamines. Interestingly, over half of my client base tests exceptionally well with it as their binder.
  • Dr. Klinghardt reports that a Russian study found zeolite superior to all other binders (including cholestyramine and bentonite clay) in detoxifying mycotoxins. Indeed, it covers many mycotoxins well.
  • Due to its mineral content, zeolite is highly alkaline. Therefore, if you have low stomach acid, taking zeolite in capsules is vital to maintaining a balanced acidity level.
  • The zeolite source matters as there needs to be sufficient silica to bind the aluminium naturally contained within the zeolite and to hold toxins within its structure. Specifically, the ratio must be more than 5 silica to 1 aluminium.

Whole Food Binder

  • Works Just Like Cholestyromine.
  • The ingredients Are The Key To Getting People Feeling Better.
  • It Is The Most Similar To Cholestyromine, Without Any Of The Unwanted Side Effects. Many vegetables and plant materials have properties that aid in removing toxins from the body. Bile acids are usually re-absorbed in a process called enterohepatic circulation.
  • Certain vegetables can produce a similar effect. Two vegetables, in particular - Okra and Beets, work just like Cholestyromine because they have similar binding properties for binding to mycotoxins and inflammagens. There are others, but these two can replace Cholestyromine because they have very similar binding properties and work just like Cholestyromine. Other pathogen binders include, broccoli sprouts and wild blueberries. All of these foods are the ingredients in Whole Food Binder.
  • It is well-known that vegetables have numerous health benefits and should be a major part of any diet. When it comes to binding toxins in the gut, foods like these should be considered because they are chocked full of good nutrients your body needs, they bind using the same properties as Cholestyromine, without any unwanted side effects, they are much less expensive and they relieve constipation.

A selection of Binders is here for you.