High quality sleep is best reached through non-pharmaceutical means.
Karen Fitzpatrick-Dame, ChhC, AADP
Brain detox refers to the removal of toxins in the brain that impact brain health.
We know that the lymphatic system supports the body’s detoxification - but the brain relies on a separate system called the glymphatic system to detox and that it flips on while we are sleeping.
Here’s how it works: A type of glia (support cells in the brain) called astrocytes wrap protrusions called endfeet around blood vessels in the brain, creating a space around the vessel where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows. CSF helps flush out toxins and other waste products created throughout the day.
The waste products it eliminates includes amyloid plaque, a protein linked to Alzheimer’s.
Recent research has revealed how the quality of our sleep can impact the ability of our brain to clear this protein and toxins efficiently. The deeper the sleep, the more efficient the process of waste removal from the brain.
And when we fall asleep, our glial cells (immune brain cells) shrink by 60% allowing a greater amount of fluid to clear out which brings more waste with it. So, SLEEP is the most effective thing we can do to support detoxing our brain and brain health!
It is also important to note that high quality sleep is best reached through non-pharmaceutical means.
So, if you want to achieve better sleep, start by limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, going to bed at a reasonable hour and having a no-electronics policy for 30-90 minutes before bed to avoid blue light.
Sleeping position can affect the functioning of the glymphatic system also. In a study on rats, it was shown that side sleeping is better for brain waste clearance than when the head is more upright.
Sleep Better With These:
DesBio Perfect Sleep formula re-balances sleep hormones so that you can reach REM sleep, the deepest sleep for detoxification of the brain.
DesBio Melatonin is another formula that also helps with sleep and brain detoxification.